
Student Job posting at Office of Diversity & Human Rights

The Office of Diversity and Human Rights (DHR) is hiring 2 Communications and Research Interns to work at our office for the summer semester. The Interns will be involved in preparations for Orientation Week and our Fall Open House, as well as completing research projects related to our mandate. We are looking for people with demonstrated interested in human rights and diversity issues, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work independently.

*Please note: You must be enrolled in the Summer 2014 Semester and qualify for the work study program to be eligible.

Ontario Pest Management Conference (OPMC) Call for Submitted Posters - General

This year the Ontario Pest Management Conference (OPMC) will be held November 13, 2014 at the Victoria Park East Golf Course, Guelph, ON. Research presented at the OPMC will focus on all aspects of pest management associated with food and fibre production, and animal and human health. The theme of this year’s conference is “Advancing Plant Health in a Changing World”. 

Postdoctoral Research Position in Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and Soil Fertility

Postdoctoral Researcher sought to conduct applied, ecologically-focused research in a teamoriented
soil fertility lab. Research will focus on developing affordable, soil-testing methods of
active organic matter for growers and linking these methods to soil ecosystem function. Methods
will be calibrated with nutrient recommendations for grain cropping systems in Ohio. Related but
independent lines of research will be encouraged.

Tutoring at Guelph (TAG)

Tutoring at Guelph is a website available to all students at the university. The website is essentially an electronic bulletin board in which students who wish to be a tutor can post their profiles and students wishing to find a tutor can search those profiles. It is a free service and tutors are able to deactivate their profile at any time.

In order for this website to be a success, we need your help in making students aware of this resource. There are several things you can do:

    * Post the enclosed poster on your bulletin boards, or wherever appropriate.

Follow up: Distinguished Speaker at Earth Science 2014

We are honoured to invite you to avail Speaker/Delegate Opportunity at the 3 rd International Conference on Earth Science & Climate Change (Earth Science-2014 ) during July 28-30, 2014 San Francisco, USA. We would look forward to your participation in this international event, if at all possible.

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