Our People

To learn more about the faculty's specific research areas, please consult their profile pages or go to our research section to search by research category.

We have over 100 technical staff supporting the school at any given time.  We have listed here permanent technical staff that work for the school.  Additional technical staff tied to research programs, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows can be found by using the University of Guelph directory.

Aaron has long blonde hair falling to one side, is wearing a plaid shirt and holding a collection of pinned insects

Phone: + 1 519-994-2992

Email: fairweaa@uoguelph.ca

Keywords: ecotoxicology, entomology, ecology, myrmecology, Science Communication

Email: sfatholo@uoguelph.ca

Keywords: digital soil mapping, remote sensing, soil moisture modeling

Headshot of Dr. Javaheri

Email: fjavaheri@uoguelph.ca

Keywords: Soil structure, x-ray computed tomography, soil compaction, soil rheology

Headshot of Dr. Liczner

Email: licznera@uoguelph.ca

Keywords: Pollinator ecology, movement biology, conservation biology, landscape ecology, behavioural ecology

Headshot of Dr. Tolu Mafa-Attoye

Email: tmafaatt@uoguelph.ca

Office: Alexander Hall, Room 323

Keywords: microbial ecology, soil microbiology, below-ground interactions, greenhouse gas emissions, functional ecology

Email: emagnuso@uoguelph.ca

Keywords: aerobiology, extremophiles, cryomicrobiology, microbial ecology

Headshot of Dr. Dasiel Obregon Alvarez

Email: dasieloa@uoguelph.ca

Keywords: microbial ecology, eDNA barcoding, microbiome analysis, One Health

Headshot of Dr. Ashok Shaw wearing sunglasses, with a river in the background

Email: ashaw20@uoguelph.ca

Office: Alexander Hall, Room 125

Keywords: Applied Quaternary Geosciences, modern glacial and fluvial processes, glaciohydrogeology at sediment–bedrock interface, sustainable management of subsurface natural resources

Picture of Dr. Heather Slinn standing in a forest

Email: hslinn@uoguelph.ca

Keywords: Agricultural science, microbial ecology, chemical ecology, wheat, fusarium

Headshot of Dr. Azeem Tariq

Phone: 1- (519) 824-4120 Ext.54801

Email: atariq02@uoguelph.ca

Office: Alexander Hall, Room 111

Keywords: climate change adaptation, climate smart agriculture, GHG mitigation, sustainable agriculture, nutrient cycling