School of Environmental Sciences Analytical Laboratory
The School of Environmental Sciences provides unique research laboratory training and analytical facilities for faculty, graduate students and technical staff. The laboratory is operated on a cost recovery basis. Please contact Peter Smith for more information regarding these services and fees.
The following equipment and technical services are available in the Environmental Sciences Analytical Laboratory:
Elemental Analysis
Varian VISTA PRO, CCD Simultaneous Axial ICP-OES
- trace metal multi element analysis from approximately 100 ug/L to the high mg/L range.
Varian Spectraa 220 Graphite Furnace atomic absorption with Zeeman background correction.
- trace metal single element analysis from the low ug/L range.
Varian Spectraa 220 double beam, flame atomic absorption
- trace metal single element analysis from the low mg/L range
Inorganic Ion Analysis
SEAL AAIII- flow segmented colorimetric analyzer for NH4-N and NO3-N.
Lachat - automated flow injection colorimetric analyzer for Total P and bicarbonate P.
Method development, sample preparation, extractions and digestions.