The School of Environmental Sciences provides unique research laboratory training and analytical facilities for faculty, graduate students and technical staff. The laboratory is operated on a cost recovery basis. Please contact Peter Smith [1] for more information regarding these services and fees.
The following equipment and technical services are available in the Environmental Sciences Analytical Laboratory:
Elemental Analysis
Varian VISTA PRO, CCD Simultaneous Axial ICP-OES
- trace metal multi element analysis from approximately 100 ug/L to the high mg/L range.
Varian Spectraa 220 Graphite Furnace atomic absorption with Zeeman background correction.
- trace metal single element analysis from the low ug/L range.
Varian Spectraa 220 double beam, flame atomic absorption
- trace metal single element analysis from the low mg/L range
Inorganic Ion Analysis
SEAL AAIII- flow segmented colorimetric analyzer for NH4-N and NO3-N.
Lachat - automated flow injection colorimetric analyzer for Total P and bicarbonate P.
Method development, sample preparation, extractions and digestions.