Research Associate position with School of Environmental Sciences
In support of research conducted by Drs. Madhur Anand, Professor at the School of Environmental Sciences and Research Chair at University of Guelph, and Dr. Chris Bauch, Professor of Applied Mathematics and University Research Chair at the University of Waterloo and Adjunct professor at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, the incumbent would be employed as a Research Associate at the University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences.
Specific responsibilities include:
Master of Science (MSc) position in SES with Dr. Mike Dixon
Project title: Irrigation Management Strategies for Medicinal Cannabis in Controlled Environments Primary Advisor(s): Dr. Michael Dixon/Dr. Thomas Graham Term: 2 years/6 semesters
Start: Immediate Stipend: Full stipend as per University of Guelph standards
* See attached for additional information
New Director Named for the School of Environmental Sciences
Prof. Jon Warland has been appointed as the new director of the School of Environmental Sciences (SES).
“It is an honour to have the chance to help SES move forward,” shares Warland. “We are surrounded by transition, and this is an exciting time to work with the school, and the rest of the college, to continue our reputation for excellence. Many opportunities are before us, and it is a pleasure to engage with all of the amazing work going on throughout SES.”
Pesticide exposure affects crop pollination by bees.
Article on Nigel Raine a professor from the School of Environmental Sciences has found the first evidence that low-level neonicotinoid pesticide exposure affects the pollination services provided by bumblebees to an economically important crop.The study by environmental sciences professor Nigel Raine was published today in Nature.
Congratulations Peter Kevan on being elected as Fellow of the Linnean Society of London.
In October, 2015, University Professor Emeritus, Peter G. Kevan, was elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London.
Research Published in Journal of Environmental Quality - Arnaud, Best, Parker, Aravena, and Dunfield
Research article by Emmanuelle Arnaud, Anna Best, Beth Parker, Kari Dunfield, and Ramon Aravena "Transport of Escherichia coli through a thick vadose zone" published in the Journal of Environmental Quality as part of a special collection of papers in the September-October 2015 issue of JEQ on "Microbial Transport and Fate in the Subsurface."
Grad Student Position - Vineland Research and Innovation Centre
Vineland Research and Innovation Centre (Vineland) is recruiting for a M.Sc. or Ph.D. student position that is available immediately for three years at the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre. The candidate will be involved in a project titled “Development of wireless sensing and decision support systems” and work under the supervision of Dr. Youbin Zheng (/ses/users/yzheng) and Dr. Gideon Avigad on the Vineland campus. Please see attachment for more information.
Sidewalk Closure Between "Bob's Dogs" and Winegard Walk
Richard Heck's lab "CT soil scan outshines what microscope can do."
The Western Producer features University of Guelph researchers in Richard Heck's Brazilian lab to build better tools to focus on the relationship between soil health and crop yield. Full article can be found here: