
Ontario Geological Survey Jobs

Ontario Geological Survey Job
Place:  Sudbury
Position:        Geologist Assistant 3
Salary: $900.97 - $1,099.68 Per Week
Term:   Permanent
Deadline:       Friday, March 13

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Soil Biogeochemistry

Why can we remediate hydrocarbons at some soil sites but not others?  Is it related to the ecology of how phosphorus moves through soil ecosystems?  Or is it related to how C horizon microbial communities develop and respond?   A post-doctoral position is available in the Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan to work with Steven Siciliano, Industrial Research Chair in In Situ Risk Assessment and Remediation.   Join an academic research team working with Federated Cooperatives Limited Sustainable Innovation group, to develop new technologies & approaches for in situ re

Changing Climate, Changing Communities Conference - March 21, 2015

Welcome to the Changing Climate, Changing Communities Conference - March 21, 2015. 

Daytime activities include three sessions of environmental themed workshops, tours and exhibits. These target the issue of climate change from a local perspective to a global level. The conference aims to achieve global results through individual actions.

Congratulations Professor emeritus Keith Solomon

Professor emeritus Keith Solomon, School of Environmental Sciences, has been named a Fellow of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Established in 2014, the awards have recognized the contributions of researchers to environmental science, engineering and SETAC. Solomon is among the first group of honorees to receive the award.

A faculty member at U of G since 1978, he has focused his research on the effects of pesticides on the environment and humans. From the  atGuelph.

ESSE is currently selling Environmental Sciences T-shirts

ESSE is currently selling Environmental Sciences T-shirts for $15 in the ESSE office, ALEXANDER HALL 266. We are selling until Friday, March 6th and have sample shirts available to try on for sizing.
We are letting SES faculty ,students and staff know about these t-shirts in case they had an interest in purchasing some. Thanks,  Ali Traub

Call For Proposals Extended: Ph.D. Dissertation Workshop in Environment & Resources


The Balsillie School of International Affairs will host an Environment & Resources dissertation workshop on April 30 2015. The workshop will give Ph.D. students the opportunity to present work in progress to an interdisciplinary audience of faculty and students.

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