
Inquire: Graduate Certificate in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Open Learning and Educational Support is pleased to announce the offering of a new, non-degree, certificate program entitled "inquire: Graduate Certificate in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning." inquire is a unique, Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) accredited, one-year blended program designed for graduate students and instructors looking to engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).

March Internal Scholarship competitions reminder

Class of OAC '60 Award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant [I5160]
Donor(s): The Class of OAC '60
Value: 1 award of $1,000
Awarded: Winter
Class of OAC '60 Award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant 
Deadline: March 15

5 Days for the Homeless

My name is Sagana Jeyakumar and I am the Director of Academic Affairs with the College of Business and Economics Students' Association (CBESA).   

IODE Ontario - $5,000 Bursary

Dear Graduate Studies Departments,

 $5,000 for Post-Graduate Study

It gives me great pleasure to announce that IODE Ontario is offering the Gladys Raiter Bursary for the 2015-2016 school year.   It is given to honour the memory of Gladys Raiter, a past IODE member from the Regional Municipality of Waterloo.


ARCHELON, The Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece is protecting the sea turtles for more than 30 years.

Every year around 500 volunteers are needed. We need your help to continue protecting the sea turtles and its habitats. Please forward this message.

Attached you can find information about our voluntary programme.

Your help will be much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Theoni Karkoulia

Volunteers Department


ΑΡΧΕΛΩΝ, Σύλλογος για την Προστασία της Θαλάσσιας Χελώνας

Σολωμού 57

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