Past Events

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MSc Thesis Examination - Cassandra Russell

Cassandra Russell will defend her MSc thesis "Improved detection and monitoring of pepper weevil (Anthonomus eugenii) in Ontario peppers" Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Hallett Advisory Committee: Dr. Roselyne Labbé & Dr. Cynthia Scott-Dupree Everyone is welcome. If you would like to attend, please inquire with our Graduate Program Assistant (

MSc Thesis Examination - Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Johnson will defend her MSc thesis "Nitrous Oxide Flux Quantification from Agricultural Soils using a Novel Automatic Hybrid Chamber System" Advisor: Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle Advisory Committee: Dr. A Berg & Dr. G. Ali Everyone is welcome. If you would like to attend, please inquire with our Graduate Program Assistant (

MSc Thesis Examination - Victoria Rodriguez Morrison

Victoria Rodriguez Morrison will defend her MSc thesis "Lighting strategies for the flowering stage of indoor cannabis production" Advisor: Dr. Youbin Zheng Advisory Committee: Dr.  Gale Bozzo & Dr. Nigel Gale Everyone is welcome. If you would like to attend, please inquire with our Graduate Program Assistant (

PhD Thesis Examination - René Sahba Shahmohamadloo

René Sahba Shahmohamadloo will defend his PhD thesis "The toxicology of microcystins in freshwater organisms of the Great Lakes"  Advisor: Dr. Paul Sibley Advisory Committee: Dr. Satyendra Bhavsar, Dr. Ryan Prosser, Dr. Evan Fraser Everyone is welcome. If you would like to attend, please inquire with our Graduate Program Assistant (

Grad school meet and greet with our faculty

Are you an undergraduate student thinking about grad school in Environmental Sciences? The School of Environmental Sciences is inviting you to an informal meet & greet with our faculty for Q&A sessions.  Come and see if Graduate School is for you.  It’s your turn to ask faculty about their research. 

PhD Thesis Examination - Susan Willis Chan

  D. Susan Willis Chan will defend her PhD thesis  "Where Wild Meets Cultivated: the Implications of the Close Association Between the Hoary Squash Bee (Eucera (Peponapis) pruinosa Say, 1837) and Cucurbita Crops in Ontario, Canada " Advisors: Dr. Nigel Raine Advisory Committee: Dr. Rebecca Hallett, Dr. Brian Husband, Dr. Peter Kevan Everyone is welcome.

MSc Thesis Examination - Jeffrey Avedesian

  Jeffrey Avedesian will defend his MSc thesis  "Bacteroides genetic markers for microbial source tracking fecal pollution in Ontario waters" Advisors: Dr. Marc Habash Advisory Committee: Dr. Susan Weir, Dr. Hung Lee Everyone is welcome. If you would like to attend, please inquire with our Graduate Program Assistant (  

(Virtual) Hammond Lecture 2020

Hammond Lecture Series 2020 | Featuring Prof. Karen Kidd WASTES, WATER, AND FOOD: The One Health Links to Human and Wildlife Health The Hammond Lecture Series began in 2000 in honour of Kenneth Hammond, founder of Hammond Manufacturing and former member of U of G’s Board of Governors. Hammond was an advocate of environmental and resource issues and environmental education.

SES new graduate student orientation

10-11:30 am: Introductions and program information 1:00-2:00 pm: Come meet the profs of SES.  Faculty will showcase some of their research.  This will be of interest particularly for course based Masters students who may be interested in doing a major research project as part of their program.

PhD Thesis Examination - Mariam Al-Bahouh

Mariam Al-Bahouh will defend her PhD thesis  "Water Footprint of Milk Production in Two Contrasting Areas: A Comparative Study" Advisors: Dr. Mike Dixon and Dr. Rob Gordon Advisory Committee: Dr. Vern Osborne, Dr. Prasad Daggupati Everyone is welcome. If you would like to attend, please inquire with our Graduate Program Assistant (

Events Archive