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Winter 16 Presentations ENVS 3410/20/30 & 441/20/30

Seminar Presentation Schedule ENVS 3410/20/30 and 441/20/30 April 5th , 2016, 6-9 PM Murray Room, Graham Hall Rm 3301 *See PDF attached.

ENVS*6900 Student Research Proposal Presentations

Presentation Time: 10:10 AM Presenter: Joshua Arias Presentation Title: Anaerobic Digestion for the Biosecure Disposal of Poultry Mortalities and Renewable Energy Production *********************************************** Presentation Time: 10:45 AM Presenter: Gustavo Borges Ferro Presentation Title: Systematics and review of Taeniapterini (Diptera: Micropezidae) *********************************************** Everyone is welcome to attend!

ENVS*6900 Student Research Proposal Presentations

Presentation Time: 10:10 AM Presenter: Pedro Machado Presentation Title: Nitrous oxide emissions from a corn field in response to adoption of nitrogen fertilization best management practices *********************************************** Presentation Time: 10:45 AM Presenter: Jonathan Stemeroff Presentation Title: Irrigation Control Strategies for Medicinal Cannabis in Controlled Environments *********************************************** Presentation Time: 11:20 AM Presenter: Haley Matschke

Altaf Arain Guest SES Seminar Series

Altaf is with McMaster Centre for Climate Change, School of Geography and Earth Sciences "Climate change, extreme weather and management impacts on forest plantations"

ENVS*6900 Student Research Proposal Presentations

Presentation Time: 10:10 AM Presenter: Michael Ben-Israel Presentation Title: Investigating microbial processes related to phytoremediation of toluene contamination in a shallow fractured bedrock system *********************************************** Presentation Time: 10:45 AM Presenter: Rachel Dietrich Presentation Title: Quantifying growth-climate relationships in old-growth sugar maple forests in Ontario *********************************************** Presentation Time: 11:20 AM Presenter: Amy Pawlick

Brandon Gilroyed Guest SES Seminar Series

 "Research initiatives at the Centre for Agricultural Renewable Energy and Sustainability" The mission of the Centre for Agricultural Renewable Energy and Sustainability (CARES), located at the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus, is to conduct applied and adaptive research, training and education, technology transfer, and rural community development.  At the core of CARES is a commercially operating anaerobic digester that turns agricultural and organic wastes into electricity for the Ontario hydro grid. Dr.

postponed - Dr. Roger Lévesque MCB

Please note that Dr. Lévesque's seminar, which was scheduled for this Wed. March 9, has been postponed to a later date (tba). Dr. Roger Lévesque, Director, Integrative and Systems Biology Institute (IBIS) and Full Professor, Université Laval  "Syst-OMICS of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Tomorrow's Genome the Next Day"  (Host: Dr. Joe Lam)    

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