SES - 2020 Virtual Graduate Student Conference

The School of Environmental Sciences Graduate Student council presents

2020 Virtual Graduate Student Conference

Keynote speakers 

Dr. Morgan Jackson, Postdoctoral Researcher in the McGill University Lyman Entomological Museum and SES alumnus will give a virtual talk "Building buzz and sharing success: getting social with your science is a win for everyone

Bio: Dr. Morgan Jackson is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the McGill University Lyman Entomological Museum. A Diptera systematist with a specialization in the taxonomy and relationships of acalyptrate flies, he is especially interested in the creation and use of identification resources and how these tools can be optimized for the digital era. He has been involved with online science communication via blogging and other social media for the last decade, and has been a longtime proponent of the importance of social media for entomological engagement. His current research focus combines his interests in insect taxonomy, social media, and digital technologies to look at how people are sharing and interacting with insects and natural history observations through sites like iNaturalist.

Follow Morgan on Twitter @BioInFocus

Peter Soroye, PhD Candidate at the University of Ottawa will create a "How-to" Twitter Thread about successfully communicating your science on social media

Bio: Peter Soroye is a PhD student at the University of Ottawa, researching the impacts of climate change and land-use change on bumblebees and other pollinators, and how protected areas can mitigate these impacts. Peter's been interested in science communication since reading his first National Geographic Magazine as a child, and he's spent a lot of his time over the last few years volunteering for various science communication programs in schools and for older audiences. In Feb 2020, Peter made waves on social media when his twitter thread explaining the results of a recent paper went viral. When not doing or talking about science, Peter enjoys playing basketball, listening to the latest rap/hip-hop, and camping, and often tries to combine these interests together (sometimes successfully!). 

Follow Peter on Twitter @PeterSoroye


Note: Youtube videos will be available for viewing starting August 31. All the presentations and posters will be shared on Twitter @UofG_SES


12:00 - 12:15: Peter Soroye (@PeterSoroye), PhD Candidate at University of Ottawa, "How-to" Sci-Comm Twitter Thread



12:15 - 12:30: Aaron Fairweather (@InsectAaron, @entobird), "Ants in agriculture: Why I care and how I get others to care too". Advisor: Dr. Nigel Raine and Dr. Jonathan Schmidt

12:30 - 12:45: Rebecca Osborne (@rebecca_kate727), ""Shell-ebrating" the freshwater mollusc: a spotlight on an important yet often neglected phylum". Advisor: Dr. Ryan Prosser

12:45 - 13:00: Francis Opoku (@FrancisOpoku_FO),  "Contribution of cover crops and soil test phosphorus levels to rainfall runoff following snowmelt after winter". Advisor: Dr. Ivan O'Halloran

13:00 - 13:15: Marlee-Ann Lyle (@LyleMarlee), "Miticide and biopesticide efficacy against Cyclamen mite (Phytonemus pallidus) in strawberry". Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Hallett

Keynote Presentation

13:15 - 13:45: Dr. Morgan Jackson (@BioInFocus), Postdoctoral Researcher at McGill University,  "Building buzz and sharing success: getting social with your science is a win for everyone"


Poster Sessions

13:45 - 14:15

Robin Bradley (@BradleyRobin_), "Effect of long-term crop management on soil health tests or organic matter". Advisors: Dr. Adam Gillespie and Dr. Kari Dunfield

Lauren Plotnik (@Plotnikova), "Controlled environment cultivation for better plant-based medicines: An investigation of Withania somnifera". Advisors: Dr. Thomas Graham and Dr. Mike Dixon

Alvaro De la Mora-Pena (@AlvaroDeLaMora3), "Varroa destructor mites irritate honeybees and make them sting faster". Advisor: Dr. Ernesto Guzman



  • 1st and 2nd place winners of the pre-recorded presentation receive $150 and $100, respectively.
  • 1st and 2nd place winners of the Twitter e-Poster receive $150 and $100, respectively.
  • There will also be a $50 prize for the audience’s choice for Top Presentation and Top e-Poster (to be voted on based on the number of interactions, likes, retweets, comments, etc)!



The conference is open to all of our current SES graduate students. Submit an e-poster or a pre-recorded 10-minute presentation.

When: August 31st, 2020. 

Theme: Communicating research effectively in the age of social media

Abstracts: extended to August 10th (see attached form for detailed instructions)

Presentation submission: August 24, 2020 (for more info, see attached file "Submission Instructions")

We highly recommend that you join Twitter for this conference. Twitter is the platform of choice for many academics. On the day of the conference, you will get to tweet the link to your presentation or your e-poster. If you do not want to join Twitter, you can still participate. Please reach out to to make arrangements to have your research be shared via the official SES twitter account. 

For help on how to record videos and for a template for the e-posters, see the attached instruction file