
Job Opportunity: Scientific and Literary Research Assistant

Scientific & Literary Research Assistant
Global Ecological Change & Sustainability Laboratory, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph

Temporary part-time (10-20 hours/week) (start/end dates flexible, renewable- position for at least 1 year).
Remuneration (Hourly rate commensurate with experience): Classification: Grant & Trust Administrative & Technical Research Assistant II, Band B

Help Us Find the Box Tree Moth

Help us find the Box Tree Moth

The Box Tree Moth is an invasive species recently detected in Ontario and not known to occur anywhere else in North America. We need your help with monitoring this new invasive insect pest. This is a great chance to get some more volunteer experience and to participate in an important citizen science project. 

You can learn more about this project on this Government of Canada website

USRA Positions available

We have several USRA positions available

Dr. Andrew Young
Wild pollination of soybean: investigating the effects of biotic pollinators on a supposedly self-fertilizing legume

Dr. Ryan Prosser
Investigation of the effect of microplastics on aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates

Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle
Diversified crop rotations: evaluating their resilience to extreme weather events and carbon sequestration potential

Dr. Madhur Anand

URA Positions Available

We have several URA positions available

Dr. Susan Glasauer
Title of Proposed Research Project: Biostimulation of microbial communities in peatlands through fertilization by atmospheric dusts.

Dr. Tom Hsiang
Title of Proposed Research Project: Ecology of Landscape Plant Diseases.

Dr. Marc Habash
Title of Proposed Research Project: Wastewater-based epidemiology of viruses: evaluating persistence of virus nucleic acids during long term sample storage.

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