Distinguished IB Student Speaker Award, Danielle Ethier
I am very excited to announce the 2016 winner of the Distinguished IB Student Speaker Award, Danielle Ethier. Tomorrow, Danielle, a senior PhD student working with Dr. Tom Nudds, will tell us about her multidisciplinary work on "Factors affecting the abundance of a declining migratory songbird". As Danielle eloquently pointed out:
New SES Checklist for Departing Grad Students
The Centre for Land & Water Stewardship is pleased to announce the availability of a graduate Research Assistantship.
The Centre for Land & Water Stewardship is pleased to announce the availability of a graduate Research Assistantship, made possible by an endowment from the former Wellington County Stewardship Council.
Please see the attached PDF for additional informatlion.
Congratulations to Jon Warland
Jon is the 2016 faculty recipient of the Dr. William Winegard Exemplary Volunteer Involvement Award. He will be presented with his award on March 30th at the McLaughlin Library.
Bee Brains as Never Seen Before
Feature by UofG News Service Prof. Nigel Raine, Rebanks Family Chair in Pollinator Conservation in the School of Environmental Sciences, worked with researchers at Imperial College and the Natural History Museum in London on the new method, which images the bees’ heads without mechanical trauma.
Shining the Spotlight on Soil: ‘We Can’t Take it For Granted’
Poor management practices and freeze-thaw cycles affect soil structure — Feature by Andrew Vowles
That’s more than common dirt under your feet. Guelph loam underpins some of the best farming in the province — and it’s now the official soil of Ontario.
In late 2015 during the International Year of Soils, Jeff Leal, Ontario minister of agriculture, food and rural affairs, visited the city to designate the Guelph soil series as the official soil of the province.
Arboretum Workshop Series Gardening Fundamentals
Wednesdays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6, 2016 - 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. - Gardening Fundamentals is a series of courses designed for both the beginner and experienced gardener. Course material covers basic information to provide a good grounding and then goes on to introduce advanced topics that are normally not found in gardening books. The presenter has over 35 years of gardening experience, most of it in the Guelph area.
2 PhD positions with NSERC CREATE program
Accumulation and toxicology of microcystins in Great Lakes fish or Tracing the effects of oligotrophication on contaminant dynamics in Great Lakes benthic food webs
Both Positions PhD Institution: University of Guelph Department: School of Environmental Sciences Primary Advisor(s) Dr. Paul Sibley Term: 3 years/9 semesters Start May 2016 Stipend: $21,000 /annum
See attached PDF's for additional information