Veluchamy Chitraichamy

Headshot of Dr. Veluchamy Chitraichamy
101, Agronomy Building, Ridgetown

Research interest

I am actively involved in a research program on the biological conversion of agricultural residues into bioenergy/ chemical products at the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus. Conducts research on treatment to minimize and treat wastes including those originating from the animal, agriculture, and food processing, the conversion of high energy waste to biogas that serves as a renewable energy source, and novel bioreactor designs. I lead the development of modeling and evaluating techniques for anaerobic digestion systems including empirically screening feedstock to estimate energy potential, conducting biogas potential assays, conducting bench-scale treatability testing, evaluating novel farm-scale technologies, and developing decision support guidance.


For a full list of publications, refer to the Google scholar profile.