Research Proposal presentation by students in ENVS*6900
Date and Time
ALEX 265
Mary Beckmann At 1:00 pm Title: Quantitative Assessment of Human Enteric Viruses in Land-Applied Municipal Biosolids.
Alison King At 1:30 pm Title: Soil carbon storage: mechanisms and climate change adaptation potential.
Ashley Garland At 2:00 pm Title: The characterization of solidified industrial sediment for use in agriculture.
Sarah Lepp At 2:30 pm Title: Digital Soil Mapping – Disaggregation and Refinement of Ontario’s Existing Soil Maps.
Parisa Pirouzan At 3:00 pm Title: Application and Evaluation of Ontario Phosphorus Index and Soil Based Approaches at Field Scale.
Rebecca-Jo Vestergaard Title: At 3:30 pm Title: Non-destructive classification of soil properties, series and type using spectroscopy.