5 Days for the Homeless

Posted on Monday, February 23rd, 2015

My name is Sagana Jeyakumar and I am the Director of Academic Affairs with the College of Business and Economics Students' Association (CBESA).   
The CBESA will be entering it's sixth year doing 5 Days For the Homeless, which is a nation-wide charity initiative that started at the University of Alberta and went national in 2008. Every year, students across Canada spend a week living like a homeless youth to raise awareness of homelessness, and raise donations for their local charitable organizations helping homeless youth. This year we have a goal of $10,000 for the Wyndham House, and raising community awareness of homelessness! We're hoping to have the biggest year yet with 5 Days and Guelph, and we'd love to have some faculty involvement this year! 5D4H is a week long initiative happening during March 8-13, 2015, where students, "sleepers" spend the day and night by the cannon raising funds for the homeless (with exceptions to attending class).
On ThursdayMarch 12, 2015 we would like to incorporate faculty with fundraising with the sleepers. During the day (exact times will depend on faculty's class schedule/has yet to be determined) a faculty member will be paired with a sleeper, and partake in a fundraising photo scavenger hunt around campus. The goal is to get faculty involved in our charity initiative, raise awareness, fund raise, and encourage faculty involvement! 
Please let us know by Friday February 27th if you wish to partake in the day's activities by emailing sjeyakum@mail.uoguelph.ca.

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