
Looking for a summer job? - URA Positions Available

Looking for a summer job? Want to gain valuable research experience in your field?

There are 25 full-time Summer 2021 Undergraduate Research Assistantships (URA) in the Ontario Agricultural College accepting applications until February 15… but you need to apply for URA approval by February 11.
To view available URA positions:

Picture of the field site on the left and tomatoes on the right

Cover crops help mitigate climate change

What do you need to know?

Climate change is one of the most important environmental challenges we are facing, and its negative impacts are becoming more and more visible. Soil is known to store at least three times as much carbon than our atmosphere and four times as much as the rest of life on Earth. Therefore, identifying and adopting land management practices through which we can increase the capacity of soil to store carbon will be a crucial climate change mitigation strategy. 

Exhibition by our Artists in Residence

Presented by the School of Fine Arts and Music in partnership with the Artist Residency Program at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph.
Boarding House Gallery, 6 Dublin St S, Guelph
October 15th - November 12th Thursdays and Fridays 12-5, Saturdays 9-3

If you cannot go to visit the exhibition in person, you can see the art pieces here:

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