MSc opportunities available in the Prof. Hale lab
Prof. Beverley Hale is looking for students to fill 2-3 MSc projects.
We are seeking highly motivated and enthusiastic applicants to join our Hale Lab Research Group in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Guelph.
Dr. Beverley Hale’s Research group studies the relationships between metal speciation in environmental media and toxicity, and how that relationship is modified by soil characteristics and remediation amendments. All of the students will be trained in the analysis of trace metals in soils and plant tissues, this training includes the development of standard operating procedures, for all aspects of the research including analysis of elements and QA/QC. The graduate students trained in Hale’s research program typically find employment in the environmental consulting or regulatory sectors, relative to environmental risk assessment.
At present we are recruiting for 2-3 MSc projects, involving field and lab work, which include opportunities to attend and participate in conferences. These opportunities offer students the chance to truly get their feet wet and be the researcher in those pictures they've been looking at in lectures throughout their undergrad career.
In particular, we are looking for students who interested in:
- Research methodology and experimental design for measuring the ecotoxicity of nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) in soil to microbial activity, to soil-dwelling organisms and higher plants (including boreal);
- Research the role of dissolved organic matter in modifying bioaccessibility and of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in a variety of soils and soil solutions that vary in organic matter and pH;
- Research methodology and experimental design for measuring the toxicity of three REEs - singly and in mixture in multiple soils with different cation retention capacity.
Expecting starting date* is Fall 2019. *Starting date can be flexible.
Please provide a letter of interest and an unofficial university academic transcript: Dr. Beverley Hale ( or Dr. Luba Vasiluk (Hale Lab Research Manager) in the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Ontario Canada