May 28 CPHAZ Symposium Registration and Abstract Submission now open!
Date and Time
The Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses invites you to attend their biennial public health symposium on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at the Hanlon Convention Centre, in Guelph. The event will feature many key participants from academia, provincial, federal and regional government groups whose mandate involves the public health aspects of human, animal and/or environmental health. Registration is now open, please visit our website, for more details on the event.
All are welcome to attend. Please distribute this message to anyone who might be interested.
We are encouraging anyone with public health related work to submit an abstract! Abstract submissions will be considered for poster or verbal presentation. We're looking forward to hearing from you! Click here to be taken to our abstract submission page. Abstracts are limited to 250 words.
CPHAZ will be hosting interactive poster sessions for graduate students again this year. These will involve a 3 minute presentation on the poster topic. Taking part in the interactive sessions will make the presenter eligible for the graduate student presentation awards. Posters/research topics can be any public health related theme, MSc, PhD, MPH and DVSc are all encouraged to submit an abstract for their poster. This is a wonderful networking opportunity!
Our key speakers, this year, include Dr. Gerry Wright, the Director of the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research at McMaster University and Dr. Allison McGeer, the Director of Infection Control at Mount Sinai Hospital.
To register, click here to be taken to our registration page.
If you have any issues registering or submitting an abstract, please email or call 519-824-4120, extension 54076 or email Our website, has more information on the event, and you can also find the links for registration and abstract submission there.