Jennifer Baltzer Guest SES Seminar Series

Date and Time


Graham Hall Room 2310


Jennifer is the CRC in Forests and Global Change, Wilfrid Laurirer University. "Land cover change in high latitude ecosystems."

Abstract: Amplified high latitude warming is driving dramatic changes in the structure, composition and function of these sub-arctic and arctic ecosystems globally. These changes include increased rates of disturbances due to thawing permafrost, altered fire regimes, and changes in insect pest pressures. I will discuss our recent work on a number of these disturbance agents and the potential implications for sub-arctic forests.

Bio: Dr. Jennifer Baltzer is an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Forests and Global Change at Wilfrid Laurier University, with cross appointment between the Biology and Geography and Environmental Studies. Dr. Baltzer is a terrestrial ecologist who has worked from the tropics to the tundra; however, her primary focus is currently on the role of changing disturbance regimes on the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems within sub-Arctic regions of the Northwest Territories. She collaborates with hydrologists and remote sensors to provide an integrative understanding of these complex landscape changes. Dr. Baltzer works closely with the Government of the Northwest Territories through an ongoing Partnership between Laurier and the GNWT.

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