Graduate Research Seminar ENVS*6900 Day 2

Date and Time


Murray Room, Graham Hall 3301


Thesis Proposal Defenses (Student, title, and advisor) 12:30 Tran, Newton Irrigation management strategies for nursery trees (Thuja occidentalis and Acer rubrum) based on plant water status measured with automated stem psychrometer (M. Dixon) 1:00 Vickers, Stephanie Improving a nutrient stressed watershed: Modeling phosphorous dynamics in agricultural soils of Lake Simcoe (L. Evans) 1:30 Vasiljevic, Kristina Effects of crop-rotation system and dairy cow manure on nitrogen leaching from mixed dairy and feed-crop operations (R. Gordon) 2:00 Debruyn, Amanda Do row width, harvest date, and fertilizer application method influence sugar yield from sugar beets? (L. van Eerd) 2:30 Patchett, Aurora Effects of fungal endophyte genotypes of Neotyphodium lolii associated with Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) on multitrophic interactions in the rhizosphere (J. Newman) 3:00 Harvey, Tara Quaternary geology and hydrogeology of a contaminated site in a complex ice marginal system, Cottage Grove, Wisconsin (E. Arnaud) 3:30 Daoust, Kristin Developing a predictive model using hydrological and biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem services in relation to forest disturbance (P. Sibley)

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