Graduate Research Seminar ENVS*6900
Date and Time
Murray Room, Graham Hall 3301
Thesis Proposal Defenses (Student, title, and supervisor)
Monday, 1 December: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
9:00 Yau, Tiffany A revision of the New World fly genus Bromeloecia (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae) (S. Marshall)
9:30 Singh, Jessica The effects of crop rotation systems on nitrous oxide emissions in dairy operations in eastern Ontario (C. Wagner Riddle)
10:00 Barbour, Will Effects of multiple stress factors on fish growth rates in the Laurentian Great Lakes (N. Rooney)
10:30 Leon-Cordero, R. The biology of gorse, Ulex europeaus L.), and its ecological interactions as an invasive species (M. Anand)
11:00 Dai, Nancy Nickel concentration, bioaccessibility, and bioavailability in house dust determined in vitro and in vivo: Exploring correlation and log-normal relationships for risk assessment (B. Hale)
11:30 Bieg, Carling Quantifying a world fisheries continuum and investigating changes in fish community structure in response to indiscriminate fishing (K. McCann)
12:00 Muresan, Lucia New approaches in control of apple scab ( Venturia inaequalis ) in organically managed orchards (P. Goodwin, D. Errampalli)