Past Events

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Research Proposal presentation by students in ENVS*6900

Olivia Kaminski At 1:00pm  Developing a wireless monitoring network for soil thermal properties using Arduino technology Connor Warne At 1:30 pm  Ice cover, fish size and resource shifting: examining the effects of climate change on freshwater systems 

SES Seminar Guest Dr. Rajib Hazarika

Title: Climate Change and Ontario’s Agri-food: OMAFRA’s Perspective Abstract: Ontario’s agriculture sector comprising almost 50,000 farms in 5 million hectares generates $13 billion farm cash receipts to Ontario’s GDP (OMAFRA, 2016). Adding food processing and other activities in the agri-food value chain, Ontario’s agri-food sector generated over $37 billion to the province’s gross domestic product, 800,000 employment and $14.9 billion in agri-food trade (OMAFRA, 2016-17).

Project in Environmental Sciences Client Reception Night

This reception will provide an opportunity to come and see what our students have been working on for their projects for their clients.  The students will be presenting their poster to their client and discussing their results.  

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