Yamini Gopalapillai
PhD (2012), Environmental Sciences (Toxicology) - U of Guelph
MSc (2007), Chemistry (Chemical & Environmental Tox) - Carleton U
BSc (2005), Biochemistry-Biotechnology, Highest Honours - Carleton U
Interested in utilizing a multidiscplinary apprach to understanding environmental problems. Graduate work explored relationships between metal contaminant chemistry in aquatic or soil media and its toxic effects on plants. The focus is on applying the knowledge to advancing regulation and risk assessment of metals, particularly in mining-impacted regions.
Gopalapillai, Y, Vigneault, B and Hale, B (2012) Effect of pH and environmental ligands on accumulation and toxicity of Ni2+ to Lemna minor. Environ Chem, 9, 547-557.
Gopalapillai, Y, Hale, B and Vigneault, B (2012) Effect of major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and anions (SO42-, Cl-, NO3-) on Ni accumulation and toxicity in aquatic plant, Lemna minor L.: Implications for Ni risk assessment. Environ Toxicol Chem, 32(4), 810-821.
Gopalapillai, Y, Chakrabarti, CL and Lean, DRS (2008) Assessing toxicity of mining effluents: Equilibrium- and kinetics-based metal speciation and algal bioassay. Environ Chem, 5(4), 307-315.
Gopalapillai, Y, Fasfous, II, Murimboh, JD, Yapici, T, Chakraborty, P and Chakrabarti, CL (2008) Determination of free nickel ion concentrations using the ion exchange technique: Application to aqueous mining and municipal effluents. Aquat Geochem, 14(2), 99-116.
Chakraborty, P, Gopalapillai, Y, Murimboh, J, Fasfous, II and Chakrabarti, CL (2006) Kinetic speciation of nickel in mining and municipal effluents. Anal Bioanal Chem, 386(6), 1803-1813.
NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (PhD)
Dean’s Scholarship (PhD)