Tom Hsiang

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Tom Hsiang is a plant pathologist, investigating the biology of fungi which cause diseases of grasses or of trees. He has done extensive work with snow mold fungi on grasses, as well as fungal genome sequencing and analysis.
Meet Tom Hsiang
Check out Tom's 80 second snapshot video here.
Academic History
- BSc, MSc British Columbia;
- PhD Washington
Current and Recent Research Projects
In the Hsiang lab, we are working toward a better understanding of the basic biology of some fungal pathogens causing diseases of grasses and woody plants. Recent research has been directed toward fungal genome sequencing, assembly and analysis, as well as applied aspects of disease control including the use of fungicides, and the development of fungicide resistance. Previous research was focused on the biology of low temperature fungi particularly biology and control of snow moulds. Projects in this lab range from the molecular level to field studies to genomic analysis.
For a full list of Dr. Tom Hsiang's publications, see his Google Scholar site