Stephen Marshall

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BSc(Agr) Guelph; MSc Carleton; PhD Guelph
Taxonomy, biology, phylogeny and zoogeography of parasitic and saprophagous flies. Distribution and biology of insects. Insect faunistics and identification. Insect survey and documentation of faunal change.
For examples and details, see:
For information about the insect systematics laboratory and Stephen Marshall's research program please see the University of Guelph Insect Collection website at:
For a complete publication list please see:
Entomological Society of Canada C. Gordon Hewitt Award 1989, Entomological Foundation Thomas Say Award for outstanding contributions to the science of entomology 2008, Canadian Association of Science Writers Science in Society general book award 2006, Entomological Society of Canada Gold Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Canadian entomology 2013.
Research Area
insect diversity, systematics and biology of acalyptrate Diptera, faunistics, taxonomy