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Woods, C.L., S.L. Hunt, D.M. Morris, and A.M. Gordon. 2012. Epiphytes influence the transformation of nitrogen in coniferous forest canopies. Boreal Environment Research 17:411-424.
Newman, J.A., M. Anand, H.A.L. Henry, S.L. Hunt, and Z. Gedalof. 2011. Climate Change Biology. CAB International, Oxfordshire, UK. 289 p.
Hunt, S.L., A.M. Gordon, and D.M. Morris. 2010. Carbon stocks in managed conifer forests in northern Ontario, Canada. Silva Fennica 44:563-582.
Hunt, S.L., A.M. Gordon, and D.M. Morris. 2005. Aspects of ecological development in northern Ontario jack pine and black spruce plantations: understory vegetation and site nutrition. Forestry Chronicle 81:61-72.
Hunt, S.L., A.M. Gordon, D.M. Morris, and G.T. Marek. 2003. Understory vegetation in northern Ontario jack pine and black spruce plantations: 20-year successional changes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 1791-1803.