Peter Martini
Main fields: Sedimentology, Glacial Geology
· Other fields: Fossil Fuels, Geomorphology, Paleosols
· Current research:
o Sedimentology of Quaternary and ancient cold climate sediments (glacial and nonglacial):
- Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits of southern Great Lakes, Canada
- Coarse-grained beach deposits of lower Great Lakes, Canada
- Coastal (beach ridges and tidal flats) and fluvial geomorphology and sediments of subarctic and arctic regions of Canada: Foxe Basin, Hudson Bay, and James Bay
- Comparative analysis of the cold-climate peatland basins of Hudson Bay Lowland (Canada) and Western Siberian Plain (Russia)
- Comparative analysis of the modern, cold-climate peatland basins of Canada and the Permian--Carboniferous cold-climate coal measures of the southern hemisphere
o Sedimentation in extensional--transtensional basins, Northern Apennines (Italy) and Galicia (Spain)
o Landscape evolution and Landuse of Coastal Zone, Hainan Island, China
Published books, Monographs, guide books, chapters in books, special publications |
44 |
Books edited (5) and authored (4) |
11 |
Monographs |
3 |
Field guide books |
10 |
Chapters in books |
14 |
Edited Special Public. or No. of Int. Journals |
6 |
Papers published in refereed journals and refereed proceedings(for abstract click on the year of publication, for larger figure click on the figure) |
81 |
32 |
2 |
Papers read at conferences and universities (seminars) |
158 |
Short Courses at foreign Institutions |
5 |
19 |
21 |