Paul Sibley

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BSc(Hons); MSc Guelph; PhD Waterloo
- Aquatic and sediment toxicology
- Ecological risk assessment
- Benthic invertebrate and zooplankton community ecology
- Aquatic-terrestrial interactions
- Disturbance ecology
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Meet Prof. Paul Sibley
Paul Sibley is a professor in our School of Environmental Sciences. Paul's research focuses on disturbance ecology of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Check out Paul's 60 second snapshot video here.
Sibley, P.K. 2017. Aquatic Insects. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 23rd Edition. Standard 8750A. American Public Health Association, Washington D.C. pp 8-143 - 8-150.
Kreutzweiser, D.K. and P.K. Sibley. 2013. Pesticide impacts on freshwater aquatic communities. In: Encylopedia of Environmental Management, 2nd Edition, Jorgensen, S.-E. (ed.). In Press.
Solomon KR, Hillis DG, Lissemore L, Sibley P.K. 2010. Risks of Agricultural Pharmaceuticals in Surface Waters and Soil. In: Henderson K, Coats JR, eds. Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in the Environment, ACS Symposium Series 1018. Washington, DC, USA: American Chemical Society. p 191-204.
Solomon, K.R., Brock, T., De Zwart, D., Dyer, S., Posthuma, L., Richards, S., Sibley, P.K., and P. Van Den Brink. 2008. Extrapolation for criteria setting and risk assessment. In: Extrapolation Practice for Ecological Risk Characterization of Chemicals (EXPECT). CRC Press, 380 pp.
Peer-Reviewed Papers (Last 5 Years):
Erdozain, M., Thompson, D.G., Porter, T.M., Kidd, K. Kreutzweiser, D.P., Sibley, P.K. Swystun, T., Chartrand, D. and M. Hajibabaei 2019. Metabarcoding of sample preservative versus morphometric identification of macroinvertebrates to assess stream impacts from forest harvesting. Ecol. Ind. 101: 173-184.
Kreutzweiser, D.P., Nisbet, D.N., Sibley, P.K., and T. Scarr 2019. Loss of ash trees in riparian forests from emerald ash borer infestations has implications for aquatic invertebrate leaf-litter consumers. Can. J. Forest Res. 49: 134-144 (
Musetta-Lambert, J. Kreutzweiser, D.P. and P.K. Sibley 2019. Influence of Wildfire and Harvesting on Invertebrate Subsidies and Drift Patterns in Boreal Headwater Streams. Hydrobiologia Volume 834, Issue 1, pp 27–45.
Yeung, A.C.Y., Musetta-Lambert, J., Kreutzweiser, D.P., Sibley, P.K., and J.S. Richardson 2018. Relations of stream litter breakdown with interannual differences in discharge: bioassessment implications. Ecosphere 9(9): e02423.
Salerno, J., Bennett, C.J., Gillis, P.L., Sibley, P.K., and R.S. Prosser 2018. Sensitivity of multiple life-stages of freshwater mussels to various pesticides detected in Ontario (Canada) surface waters. Environ Toxicol Chem. 37 (11): 2871-2880
Raby, M., Xiaoming Zhao; Chunyan Hao; David G Poirier; Paul K Sibley 2018. Chronic sensitivity of neonicotinoid insecticides to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Daphnia magna. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 163 (11): 238-244.
Raby, M., Xiaoming Zhao; Chunyan Hao; David G Poirier; Paul K Sibley 2018. Chronic toxicity of six neonicotinoids on Chironomus dilutus and Neocloeon Triangulifer. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 37 (10): 2727-2739.
Salerno, J., Bennett, C.J., Gillis, P.L., Sibley, P.K., and R.S. Prosser 2018. Optimization and assessment of clearance rate as a sub-lethal endpoint in toxicity testing with freshwater mussels. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety. 163 (11): 165-171.
Raby, M. Zhao, X., Hao, C., Poirier, D.G., and Raby, M. Zhao, X., Hao, C., Poirier, D.G., and P.K. Sibley. 2018. Chronic recovery of four aquatic invertebrates after a single short-term neonicotinioid insecticide pulse. Sci. Total Environ. Accepted May 22, 2018.
Erdozain, M., Kidd, K., Kreutzweiser, D.P., and P.K. Sibley. 2018. Linking stream ecosystem integrity to catchment and reach conditions in an intensively-managed forest landscape. Ecosphere: 9(5): e02278.10.1002/ecs2.2278.
Brothers, S.B. and P.K. Sibley. 2018. Light may have triggered a period of net heterotrophy in Lake Superior. Limnol. Oceanogr.
Raby, M., Nowierski, M., Perlov, D., Zhao, X., Hao, C., Poirier, D.G., and P.K. Sibley. 2018. Acute toxicity of six neonicotinoids to freshwater invertebrates. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 37(5): 1430-1445. DOI: 10.1002etc.4088.
Brothers, S.B., Vadeboncouer, Y., and P.K. Sibley. 2017. A Decline in benthic algal production may explain recent hypoxic events in Lake Erie’s central basin. J. Great Lakes Res. 43: 73-78.
Musetta-Lambert, J., Muto, E., Kreutzweiser, D.P., and P.K. Sibley. 2017. Wildfire in boreal catchments influences leaf litter subsidies and consumer communities in streams: implications for riparian management. For. Ecol. Managem. 391: 29-41.
Shahmohamadloo, R.S. Lissemore, L., Prosser,R.S. and P.K. Sibley. 2017. Comparative evaluation of four biosolids formulations on the effects of triclosan on plant-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal interactions in three crop species. Sci. Total Environ. 583: 292-29
Shahmohamadloo, R.S. Lissemore, L., Prosser, R.S. and P.K. Sibley. 2017. Evaluating the effects of triclosan on 3 field crops grown in 4 formulations of biosolids. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 36: 1-13. 36: 1-13.
Prosser R.S., Anderson J., Hanson M., Solomon K.R., and Sibley P.K. 2016. Indirect effects of herbicides in edge-of-field habitats with emphasis on threatened and endangered species: a critical review of the literature. Agricul. Ecosyst. Environ. 232: 59-72.
Prosser, R.S., Rodriguez-Gil, J., Solomon, K.R., Sibley. P.K., and D. Poirier. 2016. Effects of the herbicide surfactant, MON 0818, on oviposition and viability of eggs of the rams-horn snail, Planorbella pilsbryi Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 36: 522-531.
Brothers, S., Vadeboncoeur, Y., and P. Sibley. 2016. Recent productivity changes in the Great Lakes: Oligotrophication or structural shifts? Global Change Biology 22: DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13306.
Prosser, R.S, Mahon, K., Sibley, P.K., Poirier, D., and T. Watson-Leung 2016. Bioaccumulation of perfluorinated carboxylates and sulfonates and polychlorinated biphenyls in laboratory-cultured Hexagenia spp., Lumbriculus variegatus, and Pimephales promelas from field-collected sediments. Sci. of the Total Environ. 543: 715-726.
Nisbet, D., Kreutzweiser, D.P., Sibley, P.K., and T. Scarr 2015. Ecological risks posed by emerald ash borer to riparian forest habitats: A review and problem formulation with management implications. For. Ecol. & Managem. 358: 165-173.
Prosser, R.S. and P.K. Sibley 2015. Response to the Comments on “Human health risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in plant tissue due to biosolids and manure amendments, and wastewater irrigation". Environ. Intern. 84: 209-212
Prosser, R.S. Lissemore, L., Shahmohamadloo, R. and P.K. Sibley 2015. Effect of biosolids-derived triclosan and triclocarban on the colonization of plant roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Sci. Total Environ. 508: 427-434.
Prosser, R.S. and P.K. Sibley 2015. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in plant tissue: Critical review and human health risk assessment for biosolids and manure amendments, and wastewater irrigation. Environ. Intern. 75: 223-233.
2015 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Eugene Kenaga Membership Award
2015 OAC Alumni Distinguished Researcher Award
2011 OAC Alumni Distinguished Teacher Award
Research Area
toxicology, ecology, water quality, risk assessment
Current & Recent Projects
- Aquatic and terrestrial risk assessment of neonictonioid insecticides (2015-2019)
- Toxicity of microcystins in fish and aquatic invertebrates (2017-2020)
- Impacts of gold mining on food web and community structure in sub-Arctic lake ecosystems (2014-2021)
- Impacts of forest harvesting on aquatic ecosystem services (2013-2018)
- Ecological impacts of emerald ash borer across aquatic-terrestrial ecotones (2010-2018)
- Risk assessment of biosolids in agroecosystems (2012-2017)