Marc Habash

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BSc (Cellular and Molecular Biology) University of Toronto;
MSc (Microbiology and Immunology) University of Western Ontario;
PhD (Environmental Biology) University of Guelph
My research program based in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Guelph focuses on microbial interactions in a variety of environmental systems. These research activities include examining the molecular and culture-based detection of human pathogens (bacterial and viral) and indicator microorganisms from specific environmental niches in natural and man-made environments. This research also includes microbial source tracking studies using Bacteroidales spp. In addition, my research involves collaborative studies to examine microbial biofilm formation including determine the ability of probiotics to form biofilms under different environmental conditions and to assess the proteome of various bacterial species using novel mass spectrometry-based techniques.
Harner, NK, PK Bajwa, MB Habash, JT Trevors, GD Austin, and H Lee. 2013. Mutants of the pentose-fermenting yeast Pachysolen tannophilus tolerant to hardwood spent sulfite liquor and acetic acid. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (epub ahead of print)
van Frankenhuyzen JK, JT Trevors, CA Flemming, H Lee and MB Habash. 2013. Optimization, validation, and application of a real-time PCR protocol for quantification of viable bacterial cells in municipal sewage sludge and biosolids using reporter genes and Escherichia coli. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 40:1251-61.
French S, D Puddephatt, M Habash and S Glasauer. 2013. The dynamic nature of bacterial surfaces: implications for metal-membrane interaction. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 39:196-217.
Des Marteaux, LE, MB Habash, JM Schmidt and RH Hallett. 2012. A method for induction and quantification of diapause entry in the swede midge (Diptera:Cecidomyiidae). The Canadian Entomologist 144:792-800.
van Frankenhuyzen JK, JT Trevors, H Lee, CA Flemming and MB Habash. 2011. Molecular pathogen detection in biosolids with a focus on quantitative PCR using propidium monoazide for viable cell enumeration. Journal of Microbiological Methods 87:263-72.
Giltner CL, M Habash and LL Burrows. 2010. Pseudomonas aeruginosa minor pilins are incorporated into type IV pili. Journal of Molecular Biology 398:444-61.
Harvey H, M Habash, F Aidoo and LL Burrows. 2009. Single-residue changes in the C-terminal disulfide-bonded loop of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa type IV pilin influence pilus assembly and twitching motility. Journal of Bacteriology 191:6513-24.
Habash M and R Johns. 2009. Comparison study of membrane filtration direct count and an automated coliform and Escherichia coli detection system for on-site water quality testing. Journal of Microbiological Methods 79:128-30.
Habash M, BC Chu, JT Trevors and H Lee. 2009. Mutational study of the role of N-terminal amino acid residues in tetrachlorohydroquinone reductive dehalogenase from Sphingomonas sp. UG30. Research in Microbiology 160:553-9.
Chiang, P., M. Habash and L.L. Burrows. 2005. Disparate subcellular localization patterns of Pseudomonas aeruginosa type IV pilus ATPases involved in twitching motility. Journal of Bacteriology 187: 829-839.
Habash, M.B., J.T. Trevors and H. Lee. 2004. Bacterial reductive dehalogenases. In: Soil Biology: Biodegradation and Bioremediation (Volume 2). Edited by A. Singh and O.P. Ward. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 197-233.
- Habash, M.B., L.A. Beaudette, M.B. Cassidy, H. Lee and J.T. Trevors. 2002. Characterization of a tetrachlorohydroquinone reductive dehalogenase from Sphingomonas sp. UG30. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 299: 634-640.
Research Area
water quality, microbial source tracking, waterborne pathogens, microbial biofilms