Jon Warland

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Jon Warland is the Associate Dean (Academic) for the Ontario Agricultural College. His current research examines weather impacts on crop production in Ontario, and development of new instrumentation and measures to determine heat budgets on vegetated surfaces. Jon’s academic and research activities are enhanced by a strong interest in physics and its integration to more effectively address challenges in the natural environment.
Academic History
- Ph.D., Micrometeorology, University of Guelph, (1999)
- MSc., Forest meteorology, University of British Columbia, (1996)
- B.S., Soil science, Cornell University, (1993)
Research Impact
Jon’s present research focuses on both the theory of turbulent dispersion within plant canopies, and the measurement of trace gas exchange over vegetated surfaces. These combine a range of theoretical, laboratory and field work. He strongly believes that theory and experiments progress best when walking hand-in-hand. In the long term, he would like to tackle issues of scale interaction and complex terrain. This area is essential not only for fully developed models of climate change and more accurate long-range forecasting, but also for developing reliable adaptation strategies for possible climate change scenarios.
Graduate Student Information
Jon is not currently accepting any additional graduate students to his program.
Featured Publications
- White, J., Berg, A.A., Champagne, C., Warland, J., and Zhang, Y. 2019. Canola yield sensitivity to climate indicators and passive microwave-derived soil moisture estimates in Saskatchewan. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 268, 354-362.
- McDonald, MR., and Warland, J. 2018. Vegetables and climate change. Agroclimatology: Linking Agriculture to Climate Change.
- Sulaiman, M.F., Wagner-Riddle, C., Brown, S.E., Warland, J., and Voroney, P. 2017.Greenhouse gas mitigation potential of annual and perennial dairy feed crop systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 245, 52-62.
- Pardo, R., Berg, A.A., and Warland, J.S. 2017. Identification of a dynamic temperature threshold for soil moisture freeze/thaw (F/T) state classification using soil real dielectric constant derivatives. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
- Van Andel, M., Warland, J.S., Zwart, P.D., Van Heyst, B.J., and Lauzon, J.D.Development of a simple and affordable method of measuring ammonia volatilization from land applied manures. 2017. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 97 (4), 541-551.
For a comprehensive list of Jon Warland’s publications, please visit his Google Scholar page.