Gudmundur Johannesson

PhD candidate
Phone number: 
(519) 824-4120 Ext. 52458
(519) 824-5730
Alexander Hall


UoG Program: PhD Land Resource Science

Advisor: John Lauzon / Jon Warland


My doctoral research is focused on methane (CH4) emissions from raw dairy manure in open concrete storage, continuously measured from July 2010 to November 2011. The 160 milking cow dairy farm in SW-Ontario has had a biogas plant operating for electricity and heat energy generation since summer 2012. Further emission measurements on anaerobic digestate in the same open storage as the raw manure are still ongoing. Other data collection for emission estimates included meterological data; wind speed, air temperature and humidity data plus precipitation and solar radiation data. Data collection related to manure storage included temperature profiles of stored manure by depth, manure surface temperature  and changes in manure depth. Extensive sampling of manure, both spatially and temporally, was carried out. Samples were analysed for nutrient content, and properties as a feedstock for biogas generation was assessed.

 Instrumentation used for methane measurements include Trace Gas Analyser (TGA), and a range of environmental condition sensors and dataloggers.

My dissertations will focus on methane flux quantification and effect of environmental variables on methane releases from manure. Impacts of manure properties in conjunction with environmental condition will also me assessed. Measurements from this study will be put into context with theory and research literature in the area of atmospheric sciences, as it relates to the topic of study.

Research Area

Greenhouse gas quantification and management

Area of Research

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences