Gary Parkin

B.Sc., M.Sc. University of Western Ontario
Ph.D. University of Guelph
My research interests relate to measuring and modeling of water flow and solute transport in the unsaturated zone and groundwater quality issues in rural areas. My three main research areas are 1) measuring and modeling hydrologic water budgets with a focus on deep drainage, 2) using electromagnetic instruments to characterize soil water and solute dynamics, and 3) measuring and modeling contaminant transport in the vadose zone. Currently, I am collaborating with the groundwater group at the University of Waterloo and colleagues in Sri Lanka.
Kulasekera, P. B. G. W. Parkin and P. von Bertoldi. 2010. Using soil water content sensors to characterize tillage effects on preferential flow at two temporal scales. Vadose Zone Journal.
Jayasundara, S., Wagner-Riddle, C., Parkin, G., Lauzon, J. and Fan, M. Z. 2010. Transformations and losses of swine manure 15N as affected by application timing at two contrasting sites. Can. J. Soil Sci. 90: 55-73.
Alavi, N., A. A. Berg, J. S. Warland, G. Parkin, D. Verseghy, and P. Bartlett. 2010.
Evaluating the impact of assimilating soil moisture variability data on latent heat flux Estimation in a land surface model. Canadian Water Resources Journal. Vol. 35(2): 157–172.
H. Dadfar, R. J. Heck, G. W. Parkin, and K. Barfoot-Kinsie. 2010. Evaluation of a Geonics EM31-3RT probe to delineate hydrologic regimes in a tile-drained field. Precision Agriculture.
Mimrose, D.M.C.S., L.W. Galagedara, and G.W. Parkin. 2010. Field mapping of wetting front using ground penetrating radar under uniform and non-uniform wetting. International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Research Area
soil physics, shallow groundwater, soil water budgets, nitrate leaching