H.B.Sc. Forestry - Lakehead University
M.Sc. Forestry - Lakehead University
UoG Program: PhD Environmental Biology
Advisor: Shelly Hunt and Steve Newmaster
Adaptive Management
Baker, J.A., F.W. Bell, and A. Stinson. 2008. Ontario’s Forestry Research Partnership: Progress and next steps. For. Chron. 84(5): 756-763.
Bell, F.W., J.A. Baker, G. Bruemmer, J. Pineau, and A. Stinson. 2008. The Canadian Ecology Centre - Forestry Research Partnership: Implementing a Research Strategy Based on an Active Adaptive Management Approach. For. Chron. 84(5): 666-677.
Bell, F.W., J. Parton, N. Stocker, D. Joyce, D. Reid, M. Wester, A. Stinson, G. Kayahara, and B. Towill. 2008. Developing a silvicultural framework and definitions for use in forest management planning and practice. For. Chron. 84(5): 678-693.
McPherson, S., F.W. Bell, J. Leach, P. Street, Al Stinson. 2008. Applying Research for enhanced productivity on the Canadian Ecology Centre - Forestry Research Partnership Forests. For. Chron. 84(5):653-665.
Sharma, M., J. Parton, M. Woods, P.Newton, M. Penner, J.Wang, A.Stinson, and W.Bell. 2008. Ontario’s forest growth and yield modeling program: Advances resulting from the Forestry Research Partnership. For. Chron. 84(5): 694-703.
Smith, G.K.M. Pineau, J.F., Bell, F.W. 2008. Knowledge Transfer and extension in the Canadian Ecology Centre - Forestry Research Partnership: From awareness to uptake. For. Chron. 84(5): 748-755.
Bell, F.W., D.G. Pitt, and M.C. Wester. 2006. Is Intensive Forest Management a misnomer? An Ontario-based discussion of terminology and an alternative approach. For. Chron. 82(5): 662-674.
Cole, H.A., S.G. Newmaster, F.W. Bell, D. Pitt, A. Stinson, A. 2008. Influence of microhabitat on bryophyte diversity in Ontario mixedwood boreal forest. Can. J. For. Res. 38(7): 1867-1876.
Dampier, J.E.E., N. Luckai, F.W. Bell, and W.D. Towill. 2007. Do tree-level monocultures develop following Canadian boreal silviculture? Tree-level diversity tested using a new method. Biodivers Conserv. 16(10): 2933-2948.
Newmaster, S.G., W.C. Parker, and F.W. Bell, J. Paterson 2007. Forest floor disturbance by mechanical site preparation influences plant succession and floristic diversity in a central Ontario clearcut. For. Ecol. Manage. 246: 196-207.
Newmaster, S.G., F.W. Bell, C.R. Roosenboom, H.A. Cole, and W.D. Towill. 2006. Restoration of floral diversity through plantations on abandoned agricultural land. Can. J. For. Res. 36: 1218-1235.
Bell, F.W., and S.G. Newmaster. 2002. Clear-cutting and conifer release alternatives affect floral richness, abundance and diversity Part I: Seed bearing plants. Can. J. For. Res. 32: 1180-1191.
Newmaster, S.G., and F.W. Bell. 2002. The effects of silvicultural disturbances on cryptogam diversity in the boreal-mixedwood forest. Can. J. For. Res. 32: 38-51.
Newmaster, S.G., F.W. Bell, and D.H. Vitt. 1999. The effects of glyphosate and triclopyr on common bryophytes and lichens in northwestern Ontario. Can. J. For. Res. 29: 1101-1111.
Plant Competition Studies
Mihail, J.D., J.N. Bruhn, T.R. Meyer, and F.W. Bell. 2002. Pine needle rust effect on Pinus banskiana in response to interspecific plant competition and telial host density. Can. J. For. Res. 32(8): 1372-1380.
Robinson, D.E., R.G. Wagner, F.W. Bell, and C.J. Swanton. 2001. Photosynthesis, nitrogen-use efficiency and water-use efficiency of jack pine seedlings in competition with 4 boreal forest plant species. Can. J. For. Res. 31: 2014-2025.
Shropshire, C., R.G. Wagner, F.W. Bell, and C.J. Swanton. 2001. Light attenuation by early successional plants of the boreal forest. Can. J. For. Res. 31: 812-823.
Bell, F.W., M.T. Ter-Mikaelian, and R.G. Wagner. 2000. Relative competitiveness of nine early-successional boreal forest species associated with planted jack pine and black spruce seedlings. Can. J. For. Res. 30: 1-11.
Küßner, R., P.E. Reynolds, and F.W. Bell. 2000. Growth response of Picea mariana seedlings to competition for radiation. Scan. J. For. Res. 15(3): 334-342.
Ter-Mikaelian, M.T., R.G. Wagner, F.W. Bell, and C. Shropshire. 1999. Comparison of photosynthetically active radiation and cover estimation for measuring the effects of interspecific competition on jack pine seedlings. Can. J. For. Res. 29(7): 883-889.
Thevathasan, N.V., P.E. Reynolds, R. Kuessner, and F.W. Bell. 1999. Effects of controlled weed densities and soil types on soil nitrate accumulation, spruce growth, and weed growth. For. Ecol. Manage. 133: 135-144.
Ter-Mikaelian, M.T., R.G. Wagner, C. Shropshire, F.W. Bell, and C.J. Swanton. 1997. Using a mechanistic model to evaluate sampling designs for light transmission through forest plant canopies. Can. J. For. Res. 27(1): 117-126.
Treatment Screening Studies
Fu, S. H.Y.H. Chen, F.W. Bell, M. Sharma, J.R Delaney, and G. Peterson. 2008. Effects of timing of glyphosate application on jack pine, black spruce, and white spruce plantations in northern Manitoba. For. Chron. 84(1):37-45.
Bell, F.W. and D.G. Pitt. 2007. Seasonal susceptibility of boreal plants: Red raspberry phenology as a bioindicator of optimum within-season timing of glyphosate applications. For. Chron. 83(5): 733-741.
Chen, Y.H., W.J. Byman, and F.W. Bell. 2006. Chemical site preparation influences productivity, composition, and structure of boreal mixedwoods in Ontario, Canada. For. Ecol. Manage. 229: 145-154.
Bell, F.W., D.G. Pitt, A.U. Mallik, and D.C. Hollstedt. 2000. Seasonal susceptibility of boreal plants to glyphosate. I. Blue-joint grass and black spruce. North. J. Appl. For. 17(4): 141-148.
Bell, F.W., D.G. Pitt, A.E. Morneault, and S.M. Pickering. 1999. Response of immature trembling aspen to season and height of cut. North. J. Appl. For. 16(2): 108-114.
Pitt, D.G., C.S. Krishka, F.W. Bell, and A. Lehela. 1999. Five-year performance of three conifer stock types on fine sandy loam soils treated with hexazinone. North. J. Appl. For. 16(2): 72-81.
Treatment Comparison Studies
Fu, S., F.W. Bell, and H.Y.H. Chen, 2007. Long-term effects of intensive silvicultural practices on productivity, composition, and structure of northern temperate and boreal plantations in Ontario, Canada. For. Ecol. Manage 241: 115–126.
Dampier, J., F.W. Bell, M. St-Amour, D.G. Pitt, and N.J. Luckai. 2006. Cutting versus herbicides: Tenth-year volume and release cost effectiveness of sub-boreal conifer plantation. For. Chron. 82(4): 521-528
Greifenhagen, S., D.G. Pitt, M.C. Wester and F.W. Bell. 2005. Juvenile response to conifer release alternatives on aspen-white spruce boreal mixedwood sites. Part II: Aspen stem quality and health. For. Chron. 81(4): 548-557.
Pitt, D.G and F.W. Bell. 2005. Juvenile response to conifer release alternatives on aspen-white spruce boreal mixedwood sites. Part I: Stand structure and composition. For. Chron. 81(4): 538-547.
Pitt, D.G. and F.W. Bell. 2004. Effects of stand tending on the estimation of aboveground biomass of planted juvenile white spruce. Can. J. For. Res. 34: 1-11.
Mallik, A.U., F.W. Bell, and Y. Gong. 2002. Effectiveness of delayed brush cutting and herbicide treatments for vegetation control in a seven-year-old jack pine plantation in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Silva Fennica 36(2): 505–519.
Pitt, D.G., A.E. Morneault, P. Bunce, and F.W. Bell. 2000. Five years of vegetation succession following six operational vegetation management treatments in a jack pine ecosystem. North. J. Appl. For. 16(2): 72-81.
Reynolds, P.E., F.W. Bell, R.A. Lautenschlager, J.A. Simpson, A.M. Gordon, D.A. Gresch, D.A. Buckley, and J.A. Winters. 2000. Microclimate changes following alternative conifer release treatments continued through three post-treatment growing seasons. J. Sustain. For. 10(3/4): 267-275.
Reynolds, P.E., F.W. Bell, J.A. Simpson, R.A. Lautenschlager, A.M. Gordon, D.A. Gresch, and D.A. Buckley. 2000. Alternative conifer release treatments affect competition levels, available light, net assimilation rates, and growth of white spruce seedlings. J. Sustain. For. 10 (3/4): 277-286.
Reynolds, P.E., N.V. Thevathasan, J.A. Simpson, A.M. Gordon, R.A. Lautenschlger, F.W. Bell, D.A. Gresch, and D.A. Buckley. 2000. Alternative conifer release treatments affect microclimate and soil nitrogen mineralization. For. Ecol. Manage. 133: 115-125.
Duchesne, L.C., R.A. Lautenschlager, and F.W Bell. 1999. Effects of clearcutting and plant competition control methods on carabid (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in northwestern Ontario. Environ. Mon. Assess. 56: 87-96.
Prezio, J.R., M.W. Lankester, R.A. Lautenschlager, and F.W. Bell. 1999. Effects of alternative conifer release treatments on terrestrial gastropods of regenerating spruce plantations. Can. J. For. Res. 29(7): 1141-1148.
Lautenschlager, R.A., F.W. Bell, R.G. Wagner, and P.E. Reynolds. 1998. The Fallingsnow Ecosystem Project: Documenting the consequences of conifer release alternatives. J. For. 96(11): 20-27.
Bell, F.W., K.R. Ride, M.L. St-Amour, and M. Ryans. 1997. Productivity, cost, efficacy and cost effectiveness of motor-manual, mechanical, and herbicide release of boreal spruce plantations. For. Chron. 73(1): 39-46.
Bell, F.W., R.A. Lautenschlager, R.G. Wagner, D.G. Pitt, J.W. Hawkins, and K.R. Ride. 1997. Motor-manual, mechanical, and herbicide release affect early successional vegetation in northwestern Ontario. For. Chron. 73(1): 61-68.
Hawkins, J.W., M.W. Lankester, R.A. Lautenschlager, and F.W. Bell. 1997. Effects of alternative conifer release treatments on terrestrial gastropods in northwestern Ontario. For. Chron. 73(1): 91-98.
Hawkins, J.W., M.W. Lankester, R.A. Lautenschlager, and F.W. Bell. 1997. Length-biomass and energy relationships of terrestrial gastropods in northern forest ecosystems. Can. J. Zoo. 75(3): 501-505.
Lautenschlager, R.A., F.W. Bell, and R.G. Wagner. 1997. Alternative conifer release treatments affect small mammals in northwestern Ontario. For. Chron. 73(1): 99-106.
Lautenschlager, R.A., F.W. Bell, R.G. Wagner, and J.A. Winters. 1997. The Fallingsnow Ecosystem Project: Comparing conifer release alternatives in northwestern Ontario. For. Chron. 73(1): 35-38.
Mallik, A.U., Y. Gong, and F.W. Bell. 1997. Regeneration behaviour of competing plants after clearcutting: Implications for vegetation management. For. Ecol. Manage. 95: 1-10.
Reynolds, P.E., F.W. Bell, J.A. Simpson, A.M. Gordon, R.A. Lautenschlager, D.A. Gresch, and D.A. Buckley. 1997. Alternative conifer release treatments affect leaf area index of competing vegetation and available light for seedling growth. For. Chron. 73(1): 83-89.
Reynolds, P.E., J.A. Simpson, R.A. Lautenschlager, F.W. Bell, A.M Gordon, D.A. Buckley, and D.A. Gresch. 1997. Alternative conifer release treatments affect below- and near-ground microclimate. For. Chron. 73(1): 75-82
Simpson, J.A., A.M. Gordon, P.E. Reynolds, R.A. Lautenschlager, F.W, Bell, D. Gresch, and D. Buckle., 1997. Influence of alternative release treatments on soil nutrient movement. For. Chron. 73(1): 69-73.
Thompson, D.G., D.G. Pitt, B. Staznik, N.J. Payne, D. Jaipersaid, R..A., Lautenschlager, and F.W. Bell. 1997. On-target deposit and vertical distribution of aerially released herbicides. For. Chron. 73(1): 47-59.
Woodcock, J., R..A. Lautenschlager, F.W. Bell, and J.P. Ryder. 1997. Indirect effects of conifer release alternatives on songbird populations in northwestern Ontario. For. Chron. 73(1): 107-112.
Lautenschlager, R.A., and F.W. Bell. 1995. The Fallingsnow Ecosystem Project. For. Chron. 71(5): 574-575.
Remote Sensing
Pouliot, D.A., D.J. King, F.W. Bell, and D.G. Pitt. 2002. Automated Tree crown detection and delineation in high-resolution digital camera imagery of coniferous forest regeneration. Remote Sensing Environ. 82: 322-334.
Haddow, K.A., D.J. King, D.A. Pouliot, D.G. Pitt, and F.W. Bell. 2000. Early regeneration conifer identification and competition cover assessment using airborne digital camera imagery. For. Chron. 76(6): 915-928.
Pitt, D.G., U. Runesson, and F.W. Bell. 2000. Application of large- and medium scale aerial photographs to forest vegetation management: A case study. For. Chron. 76(6): 903-913.