Dasiel Obregon Alvarez

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Research interest
My research activity lies within microbial ecology, assessing the response of microbial and invertebrate communities to disturbing factors associated with human activity and environmental issues. My research projects usually have a multidisciplinary scope, based on the use of eDNA metabarcoding and other “omics” approaches for the analysis of microbial and microfauna communities coupled with multilevel analyses of factors that shape those communities. I am enthusiastic about microbiome analysis and the implementation of new bioinformatics and statistical methods in the exploration of taxonomic and functional traits of microbial communities, their interactions, and their response to environmental factors. I collaborate in research projects on the ecoepidemiology of pathogens of veterinary and for human health interest, addressing host-microbiome-pathogen interactions, and their interconnections with environmental quality and sustainability in “one health” perspective.
For a full list of publications, refer to the Google scholar profile.