Aaron Fairweather

Aaron has long blonde hair falling to one side, is wearing a plaid shirt and holding a collection of pinned insects
Phone number: 
+ 1 519-994-2992
Dr. Ryan Prosser

Growing up in rural New Brunswick Aaron was always in nature, whether fishing with their father or with their nose to the ground looking at insects. Their passion for insects flourished throughout their grade school career, and they started a summer job at the New Brunswick Museum’s zoology department while in Grade 8. They have since completed a B.Sc. in Environmental Biology, an M.Sc. in Integrative Biology, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Science, focusing on entomology, myrmecology, genetics, and ecotoxicology. In their spare time they dedicate themself to communicating about the wonders of the insect world online and through various media. Aaron’s current research interests lie in environmental contaminants and their effects on invertebrates, as well as ant ecology in agricultural ecosystems.