SES Presentations: Undergraduate and Graduate Research Projects
Date and Time
Murray Room Graham Hall 3301
The students enrolled in a research course this summer will present their results on the morning of August 11th.
Presentations are open to all.
Graduate Student
9:30 Connor Hawey Factors that Influence Habitat Use by the Veery in
Southern Ontario
Undergraduate Students
10:10 Karelia del Piero Trends in Forest Overstorey Canopy and Understorey
Plant Communities in the University of Guelph
Arboretum’s Nature Reserve (Advisor: Shelley Hunt)
10:30 Mia Sams Stable Isotope Analysis to Compare Littoral Coupling
and Trophic Position of Lake Trout in Lake Huron
(Advisor: Neil Rooney)
10:50 Simon Gudim Diversity and Abundance of Bee Pollinators among
Strawberry Fields in Ontario (Advisor: Nigel Raine)