Greg J. Boland

Professor Emeritus (College)
Phone number: 
(519) 824-4120 Ext.52755
(519) 837-0442
Bovey Building
Room 3234 (Office) / 3237 (Laboratory)


BSc Honours; Biology. Acadia University, NS
MSc; Mycology & Phycology. Acadia University, NS
PhD; Plant Pathology. University of Guelph, ON


Plant pathology, with emphasis of fungal plant pathogens.  Research interests include biology and ecology of plant pathogens, plant-microbe interactions, hypovirulence, biological control, epidemiology, and disease management. 


Chapters (2010 - present)

He, J., T. Zhou, and G.J. Boland. 2012. Fusarium graminearum Schwabe (teleomorph Gibberella zeae (Schwein.) Petch.),  Fusarium Head  Blight Disease. Chapter in: Biological Control Programmes in Canada 2001-2010, CABI Book Publishers, UK.  IN press, Sept. 2012.

J.A. Traquair, P.D. Hildebrand, D.H. Langdon and G.J. Boland. 2012.  Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi (Reade) Honey, Mummy Berry (Monilinia blight) (Helotiales: Sclerotiniaceae).  Chapter in: Biological Control Programmes in Canada 2001-2010, CABI Book Publishers, UK. In pess, Sept. 2012. 

Journal papers (2010 - present)

Bailey, K.L., S. Falk, M. Melzer, and G.J. Boland.  2013.  The effect of fertilizers on the efficacy of the bioherbicide, Phoma macrostoma, to control broadleaved weeds in turfgrass.  Biological Control, accepted for publication. 

McDonald, M.R., B.D. Gossen, C. Kora, M. Parker and G.J. Boland. 2012.  Using crop canopy modification to manage plant diseases.  European Journal of Plant Pathology; accepted to Special Issue on 'Architecture and Epidemiology, in press.    

Broders, K.D., A. Boraks, A. M. Sanchez and G. J. Boland. 2012. Population structure of the butternut canker fungus, Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum, in North American forests. Ecology and Evolution, Published on-line -

Orshinsky, A.M., M.J. Boehm; and G.J. Boland. 2012. Plant wounding and Ophiostoma mitovirus 3a (OMV3a) influence infection of creeping bentgrass by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa.  Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 34:  493-506.

Broders, K.D., K. E. Woeste, P. J. Sanmiguel, R. P. Westerman and G. J . Boland. 2011. Discovery of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the uncharacterized genome of the ascomycete Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum from 454 sequence data. Molecular Ecology Resources 11: 693-702.

Orshinsky, A.M. and G.J. Boland. 2011. Ophiostoma mitovirus 3a (OMV3a), ascorbic acid, glutathione, and photoperiod affect the development of stromata and apothecia by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa.  Can. J. Microbiol. 57: 398-407.    

Foster, A.J., C. Kora, M.R. McDonald, and G.J. Boland. 2011. Development and validation of a disease forecast model for Sclerotinia rot of carrot [Sclerotinia sclerotiorum lib. de Bary]. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 33:187-201.    

Broders, K.D. and G. J. Boland. 2011. Reclassification of the butternut canker fungus, Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum, into the genus Ophiognomonia. Fungal Biology 115: 70-79.  

Orshinsky, A.M. and G. J. Boland. 2010. The influence of Ophiostoma mitovirus-3a (OMV3a) on the respiration and growth of the dollar spot pathogen, Sclerotinia homoeocarpa (Bennett). Can. J. Plant Pathol. 32: 431-439.

He, J., T. Zhou, J.C. Young, G.J. Boland, and P.M. Scott. 2010. Chemical and biological transformations for detoxification of trichothecene mycotoxins in the human and animal food chains; A review.  Trends in Food Science and Technology 21:67-76.    

Broders, K.D. and G.J. Boland. 2009.  Development of a molecular diagnostic assay for the detection of the butternut canker pathogen Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandeacearum.  Plant Dis. 94: 952-958.