Shelley Hunt

Head shot of Shelly.


  • BSc(Env) 
  • PhD Guelph


  • Berg, K., S.L. Hunt, and A.M. Gordon. 2013.  Epiphytic lichens in jack pine and black spruce plantations in northern Ontario, Canada: diversity and community patterns. The Bryologist 116:65-77.
  • Woods, C.L., S.L. Hunt, D.M. Morris, and A.M. Gordon. 2012. Epiphytes influence the transformation of nitrogen in coniferous forest canopies. Boreal Environment Research 17:411-424.
  • Newman, J.A., M. Anand, H.A.L. Henry, S.L. Hunt, and Z. Gedalof. 2011. Climate Change Biology. CAB International, Oxfordshire, UK. 289 p.
  • Hunt, S.L., A.M. Gordon, and D.M. Morris. 2010. Carbon stocks in managed conifer forests in northern Ontario, Canada. Silva Fennica 44:563-582.
  • Hunt, S.L., A.M. Gordon, and D.M. Morris. 2005. Aspects of ecological development in northern Ontario jack pine and black spruce plantations: understory vegetation and site nutrition. Forestry Chronicle 81:61-72.
  • Hunt, S.L., A.M. Gordon, D.M. Morris, and G.T. Marek. 2003. Understory vegetation in northern Ontario jack pine and black spruce plantations: 20-year successional changes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33: 1791-1803.