Waterlution's Guelph WaterCity 2040 Workshop #2
Date and Time
Guelph WaterCity 2040 Workshop #2
Join Waterlution Guelph Hub for a workshop to develop different scenarios for what the city could look like in 2040
Tuesday, March 24, 2015, 6:00-8:30PM
Downtown Planet Bean, 2 Wyndham St N
Guelph, ON N1H 4E3
Our provocateur for the evening is Karen Kun, Waterlution, Executive Director & Co-Founder
The WaterCity 2040 series is a scenario planning initiative launched in September 2014. These workshops will bring together community and decision makers to collaborate, envision and design plausible futures and then identify the necessary steps to create these futures. This opportunity merges innovative ideas, design thinking and social change around topics of water (quality and quantity), environment, health, and sustainability challenges. This is a first-of-its kind open and cross-sector consultation with Canadians in urban centres to design the future they want for their city, while considering possible futures, factors, shocks and trends and how resilience could be built towards these.
You do not have to be a water "expert" to join us. We are looking for a diversity of thinkers and backgrounds to reflect the larger system - so please share this opportunity widely.
For more information and to rsvp: http://bit.ly/Gu_WC2