SES International Potluck - Wednesday November 25th

Date and Time


This month all Students, Staff, and Faculty are welcome to share their favourite international dishes with us WednesdayNovember 25th at noon in the Bovey Greenhouse Cafe. It could be a main dish, a side, a dessert... anything you'd like! If you don't know any international recipes but would still like to bring something go right ahead. 
For a small donation you can also come out and enjoy all of the food. All donations will be going to United Way. 
Be sure to bring your own plates and utensils!
Please email your recipes to to have it included in a recipe book that will be sent around after the Potluck so you can make your favourite dishes from the event! 

File Attachments

PDF icon InternationPotluck Poster.pdf2.89 MB

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