SES Holiday Party

Date and Time



eBAR Downtown Guelph


Everyone is invited to join in for our annual Holiday Party! The party will be held on Friday, December 12th from 5pm-late at eBar, which is located above the Bookshelf (41 Quebec Street, Downtown Guelph). Tickets are:
$5 for grad students $10 for staff and guests $20 for faculty up until Nov. 28th
AFTER NOV. 28 TICKETS WILL BE $20 FOR EVERYONE...and $20 at the door! You can purchase your tickets from Greg Callow - Bovey 1108 in the mornings and ALEX 274 in the afternoons. Appetizers and snacks will be provided and there will also be a door prize. This year's celebration will be a big one so don't miss out on purchasing your tickets before the earlybird deadline. See the attached poster for more details.

File Attachments

PDF icon Holiday_Poster.pdf805.97 KB

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