ENVS*6900 - Graduate students research seminars - Round 1

Date and Time


Alexander Hall - Room 265


Our graduate students have to participate in our graduate seminar (ENVS*6900). For that seminar, students have to prepare a presentation to present their research. Everyone is welcome to attend and learn what our graduate students are working on. 

1:30pm – Janelle Giberson

Using nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation methods as a proxy to compare recycled and synthetic capping materials for metal remediation in freshwater sediments 

1:45pm – Nadia Ingriselli

Alterations to the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) when in the presence of microplastics in freshwater environments 

2:00pm – Nicole Legge 

Assessing the role of soil organic matter composition on the interactions between Perfluorinated carboxylic acids and edible crops using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy-based metabolomics 

2:45pm – Jessica Guezen

Examining the functional response of insect pests and their host trees to climate change in forest ecosystems 

3:15pm – Connor Kiselchuck

Precision Aerobic Composting: A step towards closing the carbon loop in controlled environment agriculture

3:30pm – Jennifer Hoogenboom

Effect of LED light quality on nutrient uptake and secondary metabolite profiles of Cannabis sativa in controlled environments 






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