Research Proposal presentations by students in ENVS*6900

Date and Time


Alexander Hall 265


Sean Ratcliffe @ 1:00 pm Title: Optimised light quality for functional protein expression in plants.

Serge Lévesque @ 1:30 At 1:30 pm Title: Efficacy of electrochemical systems for treating greenhouse irrigation water for reuse.

Mariam Al-Bahouh @ 02:00 pm Title: Water Footprint of Dairy Operating Facilities in Two Contrasting Climate Areas.

Marcel van Heijst @  2:30 pm Title: Impacts of land-use on plant and insect richness, abundance and biodiversity in Southern Ontario.

Liane Miedema  @ 3:00 pm  Title:  Ecosystem services in multi-use landscapes: associations with functional traits as a measure of the effect of land-use on ecosystem services in the GTA.

Marcelo Frangipani @  3:30 pm  Title: Effects of frost on tropical tree species in southern Brazil and its implication for species distribution.






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