Overview and Introduction
Welcome to SES!
Information that applies to all SES programs can be found in the following sections.
- Useful link and other student resources
- General Policies and Procedures
- Scholarships and Funding
- Graduate courses
- Contact Information
This page contains information relevant to all our graduate programs. There are additional pages specific to the MES [1], MSc [2] and PhD [3] programs.
Useful Links and Other Student Resources
Graduate student handbook prepared by SES Graduate Student Council [4]
University of Guelph Office of Graduate Studies Guidelines and Helpful Information for Current Students [5]
Professional and Academic Development
- The Graduate Student Learning Initiative (GSLI) [6] brings together various services on campus to support graduate students with developing professional and academic skills
- Statistics Support Services [7]offered through the OAC includes one on one consultations and workshops on specific topics
- Mitacs [8] is an organization that provides training workshops related to a variety of professional skills including leadership and management, communications and relationship building, personal and professional management and enterpreneurialism.
Wellness and mental health
- Department of Student Wellness [9]provides information and contacts for various health related services on campus including Accessability Services, Counselling Services, Wellness Education Centre, Health and Performance centre and the on campus clinic Health Services
- Mental Well Being [10] is a site with lots of resources that will help you live well and learn well.
- Guide to Student Wellness Mental Health Supports for Students [11] for the Winter semester 2021
General Policies and Procedures
All SES graduate policies can be found here: SES Graduate Student Policies [12] (2022/10/28)
SES graduate policies specific to each program can also be accessed using the above program links.
The Graduate Calendar is the foremost source for information concerning all aspects of graduate studies [13]in general and SES academic programs [14] in particular.
Graduate Teaching Assistant Hiring Process [15]
SES Guide for Teaching Assistants [16]
Scholarships and Funding
For more information on funding your graduate studies, please consult our funding [17]page
Graduate Courses
Please refer to the SES Graduate Courses [18] page for information on SES courses and current semester offerings. You may also wish to refer to the University Graduate Calendar course listing [19] for information about all SES Graduate courses.
Students must register for courses through WebAdvisor (see Tutorial [20]). You may also search for course availability [21] by semester through WebAdvisor.
NOTE: Students may need to fill out a course waiver/request form [22]with instructor consent to register in some of our courses.
For Special Topics courses (section 01) where the graduate coordinator is listed as Instructor:students will need to identify a faculty advisor who will work with them on a one-on-one basis to complete the course BEFORE the form is signed by the graduate coordinator. When submitting the form for signature, please state the name of faculty advisor you have identified. All forms need to be complete, filled out in full and in one .pdf file to be accepted. This includes collecting the signature from instructors that are not the Graduate Coordinator. Students should send completed forms to the Graduate Secretary [23]; who will ensure that the forms are signed and returned to students in a timely manner.
Contact Information
If you require more information or assistance, please contact: