Environmental Sciences
This major provides a foundation in the life and physical sciences, combined with economic, legal and policy aspects of environmental issues. Students gain understanding of environmental processes at the surface of the Earth, where complex interactions involving soils, rocks, water, air and living organisms regulate ecosystems and provide life-sustaining resources. Beginning in the second year, students are able to choose from a range of courses that tailor learning to their individual interests. This major presents opportunities for hands-on experiential learning in both lab and field, as well as independent research and study courses. It provides a solid background in the environmental sciences setting the stage for careers in environmental protection and resource management in both the public and private sectors.
Environmental Science Student Executive (ESSE)
The Environmental Sciences Student Executive (ESSE) provides social and extracurricular learning activities that promote pride and a sense of community in the program as well as acting on behalf of the BSc(Env) students on committees within the University and the local community. Environmental Sciences students host a public symposium each year that features world-renowned speakers and a series of workshops on topics that incorporate the natural, physical and social sciences. If you want to get involved, drop by the Environmental Science student lounge in Alexander Hall Room 266.
Contact Information for Academic Advising
The University of Guelph is committed to providing every undergraduate student with high-quality academic advising, in order to assist them in the development and pursuit of academic objectives consistent with their life goals and the available opportunities at the University. Academic advising at Guelph is delivered by faculty advisors and program counsellors.
Responsibility for developing educational plans and setting goals rests with the student. Academic advisors contribute to this process by identifying alternatives, exploring likely outcomes, and referring students to appropriate resources.
Program Counsellors have particular expertise in degree program requirements and regulations, as well as the specializations and their fit within the degree program. Please review the PC examples of reasons [3]when/why you may contact your Program Counsellor.
Faculty Advisors have particular expertise in the program specialization (major, minor, area of concentration, area of emphasis) and its fit within the degree program. Please review the FA examples of reasons [4] when/why you may contact your Faculty Advisor.
Program Counselling BSc[Env] [5]
Carie Devitt
Program Counsellor
Johnston Hall 133A
519-824-4120 x54800
bscenvpc@uoguelph.ca [6]
Susan Glasauer
Faculty Advisor
School of Environmental Sciences
Alexander Hall 321
519-824-4120 x52453
glasauer@uoguelph.ca [7]
What Our Students Say
It offered a fascinating scientific degree, while maintaining a comprehensive outlook on the big picture. Students in the program can see themselves as a scientist, an environmentalist, an economist, and a philosopher - all at the same time.
- Michael Zima, BSc Env
The program is small enough you can develop personal relationships with other students, and faculty. And the classes are diverse so you get exposure to many different topics.
- Amber Sabourin, BSc Env
I chose to study environmental sciences at Guelph because it was easy to see how the University of Guelph sets itself apart from other schools in the area of environmental sciences. Not only is the B.Sc.(ENVS) degree program unique from other science degrees, the resources and initiatives at the university and within the School of Environmental Sciences illustrated to me how Guelph is a respected leader in this area of study.
-Trevor Goulet, BSc Env