Alexander Hall Room 265
Research seminar presentations by some of our graduate students. This is part of ENVS*6900, but everyone is welcome to attend!
Asma Sabir - "Ambient alkaline hydrolysis as an emergency biosecure livestock and poultry mortality management tool"
Zexia Li - "Investigating the changes in shallow groundwater movement and quality under the impacts of land conversion from forest to agriculture in the Great Clay Belt, Northern Ontario"
Alexis Knight - "Transgenerational adaptation of microcystin toxin tolerance in aquatic zooplankton"
Brian Atkinson - "Metabolomics as a value added tool for toxicity testing in Freshwater Mussels"
Brandon Graham - "Setting the pace: Resource availability influences Lake Trout’s Pace of Life Syndrome"
Jonathan Abraham - "Relationship between natural organic matter and contaminant fate in an agriculturally impacted riparian zone"
Rebecca Osborne - "Assessing multi-generational and developmental ecotoxicological endpoints in freshwater gastropods"
Sabrina Rondeau - "Assessing exposure and sublethal effects of pesticide mixtures on ground-nesting bees"