"Soil Health" Where does it start and what's in store for the future?
Soil health is not just a product of the chemical, physical and biological makeup of agricultural fields but is also an outcome of the economic, political and social pressures of our farms. This seminar is a reflection on the challenges and opportunities to influence the practical adoption of best practices for soil management.
From the days of the dust bowl to our current developments in provincial, national and international collaboration, soil management is an essential component of sustainably produced food for our consumers. There have been many achievements as well as some deficiencies in our efforts. There are yet many new research opportunities to fill the gaps and expand the goal posts for soil health.
The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) has been in the centre of many programs and projects not only related to soil health, but also focused on the health of our broader landscape in agriculture. How can we increase resilience of our soils to withstand the shocks of climate change?
With OSCIA’s rich history and mission to ‘Facilitate responsible economic management of soil, water, air and crops through development and communication of innovative farming practices’, how can researchers and practitioners expand our collaboration on soil health? Increasing world populations continue to add pressure to our infinite soil resources with ever increasing demands for food and fiber. OSCIA continues to collaborate with our many partners in crafting the Sustainable Farm and Food Initiative. Our efforts to harmonize and seek equivalency for the many programs will quantify and provide verification for sustainable food production through the value chain.
Harold B. Rudy Executive Officer, Research and Business Development Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA)
Growing up on a farm in Waterloo county where he still lives today with his partner Sandra, Harold has established a thorough understanding of grassroots agriculture. Several degrees from the University of Guelph have contributed to his 30-year career in senior management with the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA), working with county/district associations and industry partners to improve soil and crop management.
Harold participates on numerous committees, such as the Sustainable Farm and Food Initiative working to establish a Canadian platform for sustainable production, processing and marketing of our agricultural products.
In July, 2016, he received the ‘Honorary Life Award from the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association for his service with the seed industry, as Secretary-Manager of the Ontario branch, and in August, 2017, Harold was inducted into the Canadian Conservation Hall of Fame for his career in managing OSCIA’s conservation programs.
He is currently working on the OSCIA history book, covering the past 30 years. With an intended launch in 2018, the book is entitled ‘The Soil Fixers’ - Are they human, biological, or extraterrestrial? Stay tuned for OSCIA’s official book launch in the upcoming months.