The Soil Health Interpretive Centre (SHIC) serves as a venue to raise awareness regarding soil science; connecting interested stakeholders such as academics, farmers, policy makers, environmental interest groups and students to one another. Open for specific events between the months of March and October, the SHIC is a staging-area for demonstrations, hosting workshops and courses. Our target audience ranges from Grade 11 to post-secondary students, agricultural producers and researchers interested in soil health and ecosystem services current state of knowledge and issues. Engagement of this audience comes from the holding of events such as Special High Skills Major field trips, Farmer Field Days, training workshops, and conferences.
If you would like to arrange such an event with us or would like more information about the SHIC please contact:
Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle
Professor, School of Environmental Sciences
Email: [1]
Phone: (519) 824-4120 Ext.52787
Website: Claudia Wagner-Riddle's Lab [2]