Established in honour of the late Earle J.D. Webster, the Webster Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Environmental Sciences was created to fund ground-breaking environmental science research toward making a better planet. Webster attended OAC in 1927, and later went on to distinguish himself as an elementary school educator and author. He showed lifelong interest in both geology and forestry.
The Webster Post-Doctoral Fellowship awards $50,000 to a faculty member to support the salary and benefits of the successful nominee.The award provides an annual salary of approximately $41,000 for a post-graduate researcher who is within 5 years of completing their PhD, supervised by an existing faculty member in the School of Environmental Sciences.
Applicants will be considered on the basis of demonstrated research excellence in subject areas related to environmental sciences, with special preference for ground-breaking work towards making a better planet. Preference will be given to research in natural resource management (including forestry and geology).
The award may only be held once by a Fellow for a period of one year. The funds shall not be used to support research in the area of genetically-modified food, commercial fertilizers, pesticides or nano-particles.
The applicant should apply by email to the OAC Awards Committee ( by April 15. Included in the application should be an academic CV, a letter of support from the sponsoring faculty member and a research proposal (no more than 2 pages) for the project(s) to be undertaken during the Fellowship year.